Product highlights
The HiKOKI SB10V2 100mm Belt Sander is fitted with electronic speed control that provides a variable working speed and a large trigger for easy operation. The dust bag is mounted on the left for easier sanding in corners and the transparent cover makes the sanding position clearly visible.
Other features include a tracking adjustment knob for belt alignment, a lock-on button, soft grip handle and an efficient dust collection system.
Supplied with: 1 x Sanding Belt, 1 x Dust Bag.
Input Power: 1,020W
Belt Speed: 240-420/min.
Belt Size: 100 x 610mm
Weight: 5.2kg
1 x HiKOKI SB10V2 Belt Sander 100mm 240V version.
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Product highlights
The HiKOKI SB10V2 100mm Belt Sander is fitted with electronic speed control that provides a variable working speed and a large trigger for easy operation. The dust bag is mounted on the left for easier sanding in corners and the transparent cover makes the sanding position clearly visible.
Other features include a tracking adjustment knob for belt alignment, a lock-on button, soft grip handle and an efficient dust collection system.
Supplied with: 1 x Sanding Belt, 1 x Dust Bag.
Input Power: 1,020W
Belt Speed: 240-420/min.
Belt Size: 100 x 610mm
Weight: 5.2kg
1 x HiKOKI SB10V2 Belt Sander 100mm 240V version.
Product details
The HiKOKI SB10V2 100mm Belt Sander is fitted with electronic speed control that provides a variable working speed and a large trigger for easy operation. The dust bag is mounted on the left for easier sanding in corners and the transparent cover makes the sanding position clearly visible.
Other features include a tracking adjustment knob for belt alignment, a lock-on button, soft grip handle and an efficient dust collection system.
Supplied with: 1 x Sanding Belt, 1 x Dust Bag.
Input Power: 1,020W
Belt Speed: 240-420/min.
Belt Size: 100 x 610mmWeight: 5.2kg
1 x HiKOKI SB10V2 Belt Sander 100mm 240V version.
• Voltage: 240V • Belt Width: 100mm • Belt Speed (RPM): 250-450 • Supplied with Belt: Yes • Supplied with Dust Bag: Yes • Category: Belt Sanders -
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