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- Grey Bostik Cempolatex Fibreflex is a highly flexible self-levelling compound, suitable for use on subfloors where vibration and minimal thermal movement can be problematic. This rapid-setting, self-levelling compound is reinforced with fibre and can be used on most common subfloors, including mechanically fixed flooring grade plywood (SP101) and P5 chipboard, as well as with most common electrical underfloor heating mat systems. Cempolatex Fibreflex can be applied between 3-30mm thickness in a single application.
- Rapid setting - can accept foot traffic in 4 hours (at 20°C)
- Fibre reinforced and highly flexible
- Can be used over most common subfloors
- Suitable for use with most common electrical underfloor heating mat systems
- 3mm - 30mm application depth
- Brand - Bostik
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