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- Grey Bostik Cempolatex 1 Pack is a cement-based, latex modified sub-floor smoothing compound. Use this rapid-setting formula to smooth and level properly prepared concrete, sand/cement screeds, quarry tiles, rigid timber floors, stone, brick and terrazzo floors and asphalt floors. With its excellent bonding properties, Bostik Cempolatex has good flexibility, which accommodates movement of closely fitted suspended flooring. It may also be used as a floor topping/concrete re-surface with the addition of SBR, as well as patching up to 100mm thickness. Bostik Cempolatex covers approximately 5m² at 3mm thickness and 3m² at 5mm thickness. This product is only suitable for warm water underfloor heating systems when used as a levelling compound.
- Flexible, protein-free formula
- 3mm 5mm application depth
- Rapid-setting can be walked on after 2-4 hours (at 20°C)
- Can also be used as a levelling compound
- Suitable for use with underfloor heating
- Brand - Bostik
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