Product highlights
The Bosch GCL 215-G Professional Self-Levelling Green Line Laser is a combination of a cross line laser and a point laser with green horizontal and vertical lines for maximal visibility, self-levelling up to ±4°. It has a large working range of up to 15m with green laser lines and points which can be switched on and off individually. The housing is IP54 rated to protect against dust and water.
Supplied with a multifunctional rotating mount for easy alignment of the laser lines around the plumb points. With red plumb points for precise transfer application.
Laser Class: 2, Level Accuracy: ±0.3 mm/m.
Self-Levelling Range: 4°
Visibility Indoor: 15m
Power: 3 x AA Batteries (Supplied)
Thread: 1/4in or 5/8in
Size: 132 x 81 x 163mm
Weight: 0.49kg
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Product highlights
The Bosch GCL 215-G Professional Self-Levelling Green Line Laser is a combination of a cross line laser and a point laser with green horizontal and vertical lines for maximal visibility, self-levelling up to ±4°. It has a large working range of up to 15m with green laser lines and points which can be switched on and off individually. The housing is IP54 rated to protect against dust and water.
Supplied with a multifunctional rotating mount for easy alignment of the laser lines around the plumb points. With red plumb points for precise transfer application.
Laser Class: 2, Level Accuracy: ±0.3 mm/m.
Self-Levelling Range: 4°
Visibility Indoor: 15m
Power: 3 x AA Batteries (Supplied)
Thread: 1/4in or 5/8in
Size: 132 x 81 x 163mm
Weight: 0.49kg
Product details
The Bosch GCL 215-G Professional Self-Levelling Green Line Laser is a combination of a cross line laser and a point laser with green horizontal and vertical lines for maximal visibility, self-levelling up to ±4°. It has a large working range of up to 15m with green laser lines and points which can be switched on and off individually. The housing is IP54 rated to protect against dust and water.
Supplied with a multifunctional rotating mount for easy alignment of the laser lines around the plumb points. With red plumb points for precise transfer application.
Laser Class: 2, Level Accuracy: ±0.3 mm/m.
Self-Levelling Range: 4°
Visibility Indoor: 15m
Power: 3 x AA Batteries (Supplied)
Thread: 1/4in or 5/8in
Size: 132 x 81 x 163mm
Weight: 0.49kg
• Accuracy: ± 0.3mm/m • Max. Range: 15m • Category: Laser Levels - Point / Cross Line -
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