Product highlights
The Stabila LA 180 L Multi-Line Laser with Auto Alignment function: receiver automatically controls fine alignment of the laser up to 40m. Automatic axis transfer and creation of right angles. Pulsed laser lines for exact height measurements with the receiver (up to 100m) indoors and outdoors. 3 vertical lines, 1 horizontal line and plumb line function.
Level Accuracy: ± 0.07mm/m
Self-Levelling Range: ± 5.0°
Line Straightness: ±0.1mm/m
90° Angle Precision: ± 0.2mm/m
Laser Beam Accuracy: ± 0.2mm/m
Power: 4 x 1.5V D Cell 1 batteries.
Protection Class: IP54
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Product highlights
The Stabila LA 180 L Multi-Line Laser with Auto Alignment function: receiver automatically controls fine alignment of the laser up to 40m. Automatic axis transfer and creation of right angles. Pulsed laser lines for exact height measurements with the receiver (up to 100m) indoors and outdoors. 3 vertical lines, 1 horizontal line and plumb line function.
Level Accuracy: ± 0.07mm/m
Self-Levelling Range: ± 5.0°
Line Straightness: ±0.1mm/m
90° Angle Precision: ± 0.2mm/m
Laser Beam Accuracy: ± 0.2mm/m
Power: 4 x 1.5V D Cell 1 batteries.
Protection Class: IP54
Product details
The Stabila LA 180 L Multi-Line Laser with Auto Alignment function: receiver automatically controls fine alignment of the laser up to 40m. Automatic axis transfer and creation of right angles. Pulsed laser lines for exact height measurements with the receiver (up to 100m) indoors and outdoors. 3 vertical lines, 1 horizontal line and plumb line function.
Level Accuracy: ± 0.07mm/m
Self-Levelling Range: ± 5.0°
Line Straightness: ±0.1mm/m
90° Angle Precision: ± 0.2mm/m
Laser Beam Accuracy: ± 0.2mm/m
Power: 4 x 1.5V D Cell 1 batteries.
Protection Class: IP54
• Accuracy: ± 0.07mm/m • Max. Range: 40m • Category: Laser Levels - Point / Cross Line -
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