Product highlights
The Stabila LAX 50 G Cross Line Laser is self-levelling for working quickly and directly on the laser lines. It uses STABILA GREENBEAM technology that has especially bright, fine, green laser lines for optimum visibility which is up to 30% sharper than red lasers up to 30m. The rotating multipurpose platform allows for flexible positioning on the floor or tripods (1/4in and 5/8in threads), as well as on metal objects with the strong rare earth magnetic system.
Kit includes:
Multipurpose platform
Belt pouch for easy transport and storage
3 x AA batteries
Level Accuracy: ± 0.5mm/m.
Working Range: 30m.
Power: 3 x AA batteries (supplied).
Tripod Thread: 1/4in & 5/8in.
Protection Class: IP53.
Operating Life: up to 7 hours.
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Product highlights
The Stabila LAX 50 G Cross Line Laser is self-levelling for working quickly and directly on the laser lines. It uses STABILA GREENBEAM technology that has especially bright, fine, green laser lines for optimum visibility which is up to 30% sharper than red lasers up to 30m. The rotating multipurpose platform allows for flexible positioning on the floor or tripods (1/4in and 5/8in threads), as well as on metal objects with the strong rare earth magnetic system.
Kit includes:
Multipurpose platform
Belt pouch for easy transport and storage
3 x AA batteries
Level Accuracy: ± 0.5mm/m.
Working Range: 30m.
Power: 3 x AA batteries (supplied).
Tripod Thread: 1/4in & 5/8in.
Protection Class: IP53.
Operating Life: up to 7 hours.
Product details
The Stabila LAX 50 G Cross Line Laser is self-levelling for working quickly and directly on the laser lines. It uses STABILA GREENBEAM technology that has especially bright, fine, green laser lines for optimum visibility which is up to 30% sharper than red lasers up to 30m. The rotating multipurpose platform allows for flexible positioning on the floor or tripods (1/4in and 5/8in threads), as well as on metal objects with the strong rare earth magnetic system.
Kit includes:
Multipurpose platform
Belt pouch for easy transport and storage
3 x AA batteriesSpecification
Level Accuracy: ± 0.5mm/m.
Working Range: 30m.
Power: 3 x AA batteries (supplied).
Tripod Thread: 1/4in & 5/8in.
Protection Class: IP53.
Operating Life: up to 7 hours.
• Accuracy: ± 0.5mm/m • Max. Range: 30m • Category: Laser Levels - Point / Cross Line -
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