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Product details
- Mortar Fix-Pro Mortar Repair is a ready to use, styrene-free mortar repair that is specially designed for sealing joints and repairing cracks, and for the jointing and bonding of tiles and stones. This instant Mortar Repair is quicker and easier than having to mix sand, cement or water. It features excellent adhesion to most common construction materials, as well as water and UV resistance, meaning it can be used both internally and externally. It is fast-curing and can be painted over once cured. This Sand 300ml Mortar Repair comes with 2 nozzles, and further spare nozzles can be bought separately.
- Rapid curing
- Ready to use - no mixing
- Styrene-free for indoors and outdoors use
- Fits standard mastic extrusion guns
- Bonds to most construction materials
- Less mess and less waste
- Can be used on slightly wet substrates
- Paintable and UV resistant
- Works down to -5 degrees C
- Spare nozzles are available to buy separately
- Brand - Rawlplug
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