Product highlights

A pack of 50 SPAX Wirox Construction Screws for use in timber construction projects. These 6.0mm x 220mm construction screws are suitable for use on large battens and large squared timber. Finished with a hard synthetic coating, these SPAX construction screws have high corrosion protection.


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39.89 ex. VAT
Item available for delivery only

Product highlights

A pack of 50 SPAX Wirox Construction Screws for use in timber construction projects. These 6.0mm x 220mm construction screws are suitable for use on large battens and large squared timber. Finished with a hard synthetic coating, these SPAX construction screws have high corrosion protection.
  • Product details

  • A pack of 50 SPAX Wirox Construction Screws for use in timber construction projects. These 6.0mm x 220mm construction screws are suitable for use on large battens and large squared timber. Finished with a hard synthetic coating, these SPAX construction screws have high corrosion protection.

    • No pre-drilling required (wood dependent)
    • Suited for timber projects
    • Suitable for battens & squared timber
    • Screw head fits flush against timber for a perfect finish
    • Secure connecting with high load bearing capacity
    • Finished with a hard synthetic coating with high corrosion protection
    • T-Star plus (T30) bit recess - Gives a positive & secure fit of the driver bit
    • Brand - Spax
  • Safety information & instructions

  • Some important details that you may need to consider:

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