Product highlights
This runabout vertical mast lift has a working height of up to 5.45m. It is compact, low-weight and very smooth to control. The machine can also fit through doorways with an operator on board making it ideal for indoor applications.
Product highlights
This runabout vertical mast lift has a working height of up to 5.45m. It is compact, low-weight and very smooth to control. The machine can also fit through doorways with an operator on board making it ideal for indoor applications.
Product details
This runabout vertical mast lift has a working height of up to 5.45m. It is compact, low-weight and very smooth to control. The machine can also fit through doorways with an operator on board making it ideal for indoor applications.
Compact and mobile
- Fits through doorways with an operator on board
• Working Height: 5.45m -
Safety information & instructions
Some important details that you may need to consider:
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