Hand with garden glove using garden fork to clear debris on flower bed around snowdrops


Gardening Jobs in February

Edited - January 8th 2025

February is an exciting time in the garden! Spring starts to show it's on the way by producing by little green shoots that pop up all around the place. It is a month of anticipation and preparation as we wait for the tail-end of Winter to disappear, the frost to fade away and brighter days to begin.

We have listed the top gardening jobs for February below to help and prepare you for spring.

Hand holding seeds ready to sow in propagator
Image by Freepik on freepik.com

Sowing Seeds 

Take the time to go through any seed packets you already have and get them organised into different containers for the different times of year you’ll be sowing.

You’ll need to start sowing indoors if there is still a chance of frost or use a greenhouse or cold frame with added insulation for outdoor sowing. Seeds such as cosmos or salvia can be started in a propagator or on a well-lit windowsill. You could even try sowing sweet peas into biodegradable toilet roll tubes; they grow long roots that like to be undisturbed so transplanting them straight out into a container when they are ready is ideal. If you are planning to sow outdoors, you can start to prepare your beds by adding a layer of fleece to warm the soil.

Prepare your Beds

If you have flower beds or veg patches in the borders of your garden, you can help improve soil condition by adding a layer of compost or well-rotted manure and forking it into the surface. Then add a layer of garden fleece or polythene to add warmth to the soil ready for sowing outdoors in the coming weeks.

Cut Ornamental Grasses

They will have provided an attractive feature over the winter months but before the new growth gets out of hand, February is the time to trim old foliage to make way for the new shoots. With evergreen species you can just remove the dead leaves by hand. With deciduous varieties, you’ll need a pair of secateurs to cut back the old stems as low to the ground as possible avoiding any new shoots.

Wooden birdbox bird house in green ivy leaves
Photo by Gavin Allanwood on unsplash.com

Care for the Birds

Clean out bird feeders and bird baths to support the health of your garden's wildlife. Many natural food sources start running low towards the end of winter so feeding the garden birds is important at this time of year. Consider putting up a bird box making sure it is at least 1 to 3 metres off the ground, out of high winds and direct sunlight, and somewhere tricky for cats to reach.

Fix Fences

Now is the time to make sure your fencing, gates or trellises are all in good working order before plants start climbing and while the garden layout is easily accessible. Apply any timber treatment to bring your fencing back to life and replace any broken panels.

Tool Maintenance

They may have been put away for the winter and not used for months so you’ll need to check on your lawnmower and garden tools as they will soon start getting plenty of regular use. Check if blades need sharpening, joints need lubricating; everything needs a once over to ensure they are fit for the months ahead.

Image of blog author Cat Burke

About the Author

Cat Burke

Cat is a member of the E-commerce team and is passionate about all things product, from power tools and TVs to cushions and curtains. She enjoys tackling basic DIY tasks at home and has taken on jobs such as stripping wallpaper, painting rooms, and upcycling furniture.

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