As the seasons change, so will the jobs that need be done around your home & garden. Get one step ahead & think about what work needs to be done in the upcoming months with our seasonal blogs. Discussing anything from monthly gardening jobs, spring cleaning tips to bonfire night safety tips & more, our blogs can help you with plenty of seasonal DIY jobs.

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Gardening Jobs in February

Take the time to go through any seed packets you already have and get them organised into different containers for the different times of year you’ll be sowing. You’ll need to start sowing indoors if there is still a chance of frost or use a greenhouse or cold frame with added insulation for outdoor sowing. Seeds such as cosmos or salvia can be started in a propagator or on a well-lit windowsill. You could even try sowing sweet peas into biodegradable toilet roll tubes; they grow long roots that like to be undisturbed so transplanting them straight out into a container when they are ready is ideal. If you are planning to sow outdoors, you can start to prepare your beds by adding a layer of fleece to warm the soil.


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