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Product details
- Hy-Tex Covertex ground cover is an extremely versatile landscaping and horticultural fabric for long-term weed control, moisture conservation and separation. Covertex is a premium grade woven membrane designed to offer the optimum balance between shade and permeability; and has a high degree of UV stabiliser added to protect it from the harmful effects of exposure to sunlight.
- Long term weed control
- High degree of UV stabilisation (Minimum 7 year life expectancy)
- High performance
- Superior weave quality
- Excellent drainage - 11l/m²/sec
- Easy to use
- Suppresses weeds allowing plants/trees to establish
- Brand - Hy-Tex Covertex™
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So that we can give you the best pricing and availability we need you to enter the postcode and select the address of the area you're thinking of picking them up in or having them delivered to.