Product highlights
Everbuild Everflex® AC50 Acoustic Sealant & Adhesive is permanently flexible with high grab will adheres to most surfaces whilst being mould resistant and non flammable. When cured it can be overpaintable and is easy to clean up. AC50 will form an acoustic and intumescent barrier by sealing gaps between plasterboard walls, floors and ceilings and dry lining applications.
As an adhesive, Everflex® AC50 bonds plasterboard to plasterboard, wood, metal studding and direct to block work. It is also ideal for sealing and bonding most other kraft lined insulation boards.
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Product highlights
Everbuild Everflex® AC50 Acoustic Sealant & Adhesive is permanently flexible with high grab will adheres to most surfaces whilst being mould resistant and non flammable. When cured it can be overpaintable and is easy to clean up. AC50 will form an acoustic and intumescent barrier by sealing gaps between plasterboard walls, floors and ceilings and dry lining applications.
As an adhesive, Everflex® AC50 bonds plasterboard to plasterboard, wood, metal studding and direct to block work. It is also ideal for sealing and bonding most other kraft lined insulation boards.
Product details
Everbuild Everflex® AC50 Acoustic Sealant & Adhesive is permanently flexible with high grab will adheres to most surfaces whilst being mould resistant and non flammable. When cured it can be overpaintable and is easy to clean up. AC50 will form an acoustic and intumescent barrier by sealing gaps between plasterboard walls, floors and ceilings and dry lining applications.
As an adhesive, Everflex® AC50 bonds plasterboard to plasterboard, wood, metal studding and direct to block work. It is also ideal for sealing and bonding most other kraft lined insulation boards.
• Application: Acoustic • Colour: White • Size: 380ml • Category: Specialist Sealants -
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