Product highlights
The Bostitch PN50-E Pneumatic Palm Nailer is a small impact palm nailer which is half the size of the old PN100. It can drive the most common bulk finish, framing and timber nails into confined areas and has an adjustable swivel connection.
Magazine Capacity: 1 (max).
Fires: Bulk Series: Diameter: 8mm (max).
Operating Pressure: 79-124 PSI, 5.5-8.6 Bar.
Weight: 0.55kg.
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Product highlights
The Bostitch PN50-E Pneumatic Palm Nailer is a small impact palm nailer which is half the size of the old PN100. It can drive the most common bulk finish, framing and timber nails into confined areas and has an adjustable swivel connection.
Magazine Capacity: 1 (max).
Fires: Bulk Series: Diameter: 8mm (max).
Operating Pressure: 79-124 PSI, 5.5-8.6 Bar.
Weight: 0.55kg.
Product details
The Bostitch PN50-E Pneumatic Palm Nailer is a small impact palm nailer which is half the size of the old PN100. It can drive the most common bulk finish, framing and timber nails into confined areas and has an adjustable swivel connection.
Magazine Capacity: 1 (max).
Fires: Bulk Series: Diameter: 8mm (max).
Operating Pressure: 79-124 PSI, 5.5-8.6 Bar.
Weight: 0.55kg.
• Type: Pneumatic • Input Power: Pneumatic • Category: Brad Nailers & Pinners - Pneumatic -
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