Product highlights
Double ended box spanners are thinner than a socket and are much longer so that they can be used to loosen or tighten bolts and nuts in narrow recesses, meaning that they are often used in plumbing maintenance and automotive repair.
This tubular box spanner is made from bright plated steel and able to accommodate a tommy bar.
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Product highlights
Double ended box spanners are thinner than a socket and are much longer so that they can be used to loosen or tighten bolts and nuts in narrow recesses, meaning that they are often used in plumbing maintenance and automotive repair.
This tubular box spanner is made from bright plated steel and able to accommodate a tommy bar.
Product details
Double ended box spanners are thinner than a socket and are much longer so that they can be used to loosen or tighten bolts and nuts in narrow recesses, meaning that they are often used in plumbing maintenance and automotive repair.
This tubular box spanner is made from bright plated steel and able to accommodate a tommy bar.
• Size: 75 x 80mm • Length: 200mm • Tommy Bar: T47 • Category: Box Spanners -
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