Product highlights

The Faithfull Water Pump Attachment is designed for use with electric power drills and 1/2in hose pipe. It is ideal for watering the garden from a water butt and for emptying sinks, draining paddling pools, aquariums and other small containers.

Please note that this equipment is not for use with volatile or flammable liquids or liquids contaning solids. CAUTION - DO NOT RUN DRY.


Max. Priming Height: 10m
Max. Drill Speed: 3,400/min.
Dry Running Limit: 12 seconds
Max. Capacity: 660 litres (145 gallons)


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6.86 ex. VAT
Item available for delivery only

Product highlights

The Faithfull Water Pump Attachment is designed for use with electric power drills and 1/2in hose pipe. It is ideal for watering the garden from a water butt and for emptying sinks, draining paddling pools, aquariums and other small containers.

Please note that this equipment is not for use with volatile or flammable liquids or liquids contaning solids. CAUTION - DO NOT RUN DRY.


Max. Priming Height: 10m
Max. Drill Speed: 3,400/min.
Dry Running Limit: 12 seconds
Max. Capacity: 660 litres (145 gallons)

  • Product details

  • The Faithfull Water Pump Attachment is designed for use with electric power drills and 1/2in hose pipe. It is ideal for watering the garden from a water butt and for emptying sinks, draining paddling pools, aquariums and other small containers.

    Please note that this equipment is not for use with volatile or flammable liquids or liquids contaning solids. CAUTION - DO NOT RUN DRY.


    Max. Priming Height: 10m
    Max. Drill Speed: 3,400/min.
    Dry Running Limit: 12 seconds
    Max. Capacity: 660 litres (145 gallons)

  • Specifications

  • Type:
    Water Pump Attachment
    Delivery Capacity:
    660 L/hr.
    Input Power:
    Drill Powered
    Water & Submersible Pumps
  • Safety information & instructions

  • Some important details that you may need to consider:

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