Product highlights
The Makita DA4000LR Rotary Angle Drill is lightweight and easy to operate. The head can be rotated to any angle allowing for use in the tightest of situations. It has forward/reverse rotation and a variable speed trigger for increased work control. Double insulated for increased safety.
Supplied with: 1 x Chuck Key, 1 x Side Handle, 1 x Hex Wrench and 1 x Carry Case
Input Power: 710W
No Load Speed: 0-600/min., with attachment: 0-400/0-900/min.
Capacity: Steel: 13mm, Wood: 38mm
Weight: 4.0kg
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Product highlights
The Makita DA4000LR Rotary Angle Drill is lightweight and easy to operate. The head can be rotated to any angle allowing for use in the tightest of situations. It has forward/reverse rotation and a variable speed trigger for increased work control. Double insulated for increased safety.
Supplied with: 1 x Chuck Key, 1 x Side Handle, 1 x Hex Wrench and 1 x Carry Case
Input Power: 710W
No Load Speed: 0-600/min., with attachment: 0-400/0-900/min.
Capacity: Steel: 13mm, Wood: 38mm
Weight: 4.0kg
Product details
The Makita DA4000LR Rotary Angle Drill is lightweight and easy to operate. The head can be rotated to any angle allowing for use in the tightest of situations. It has forward/reverse rotation and a variable speed trigger for increased work control. Double insulated for increased safety.
Supplied with: 1 x Chuck Key, 1 x Side Handle, 1 x Hex Wrench and 1 x Carry Case
Input Power: 710W
No Load Speed: 0-600/min., with attachment: 0-400/0-900/min.
Capacity: Steel: 13mm, Wood: 38mm
Weight: 4.0kg
• Voltage: 240V • Input Power: 710 • Chuck Size: 13mm Keyed • Capacity - Steel: 13mm • Category: Angle Drills -
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