Product highlights
The Trend Draining Groove Jig is perfect for routing draining grooves in solid timber for Belfast type sinks. Made from 12mm hardwearing CNC machined phenolic. It provides a 0.5° fall with grooves at 50mm pitch and 455mm long. With sight marks for lining up and three removable sloping runners for support. There is also a cutter diameter check hole and fixing holes for user made stops for repetitious work.
Includes: 1 x Cove Cutter and 1 x Guide Bush (diameter 30mm).
Fall: 0.5°.
Groove Pitch: 50mm.
Groove Length: 455mm.
Slat Width: 19.8mm.
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Product highlights
The Trend Draining Groove Jig is perfect for routing draining grooves in solid timber for Belfast type sinks. Made from 12mm hardwearing CNC machined phenolic. It provides a 0.5° fall with grooves at 50mm pitch and 455mm long. With sight marks for lining up and three removable sloping runners for support. There is also a cutter diameter check hole and fixing holes for user made stops for repetitious work.
Includes: 1 x Cove Cutter and 1 x Guide Bush (diameter 30mm).
Fall: 0.5°.
Groove Pitch: 50mm.
Groove Length: 455mm.
Slat Width: 19.8mm.
Product details
The Trend Draining Groove Jig is perfect for routing draining grooves in solid timber for Belfast type sinks. Made from 12mm hardwearing CNC machined phenolic. It provides a 0.5° fall with grooves at 50mm pitch and 455mm long. With sight marks for lining up and three removable sloping runners for support. There is also a cutter diameter check hole and fixing holes for user made stops for repetitious work.
Includes: 1 x Cove Cutter and 1 x Guide Bush (diameter 30mm).
Fall: 0.5°.
Groove Pitch: 50mm.
Groove Length: 455mm.
Slat Width: 19.8mm.
• Type: Jig • Category: Postform & Kitchen Jigs -
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