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Product details
- Jetcem Sand and Cement Mortar is a versatile sand/cement based product, suitable for a variety of internal and external uses including: cracks in walls and floors, repairing slabs, stones and bricks, jointing earthenware pipes and drains,patching step and windowsills, setting in WC's and sinks, leak sealing concrete based surface and setting railings and posts.
- Internal and external repairs to gaps and cracks and walls and floors
- Sets in approximately 30 minutes
- Use for patching, pointing, reparing, setting and jointing and more
- Easy to mix - just add water
- Fills deep holes from 2.5-15cm
- Brand - Jetcem
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So that we can give you the best pricing and availability we need you to enter the postcode and select the address of the area you're thinking of picking them up in or having them delivered to.