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Product details
- If you're looking for skirting that easily blends itself into a more traditional decor, our Bolection skirting is a perfect choice. The skirting is far more intricate than simpler modern boards giving any finished room a classical feel. The skirting is extremely easy to clean and ready for painting, staining or varnishing. Our wooden skirtings are all cut from slowly grown timber softwoods increasing its durability and strength, giving it added protection from bumps and scrapes
- Used to enhance internal room decoration
- Provides a clean, smooth surface for painting, staining and varnishing
- Kiln dried timbers
- Slow grown premium timber to improve strength and durability
- High Quality, Precision Finished
- Brand - BSW
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So that we can give you the best pricing and availability we need you to enter the postcode and select the address of the area you're thinking of picking them up in or having them delivered to.